May 05, 2021 • POSTCARDS FROMGinger Hill, St. ElizabethLocated in the parish of St. Elizabeth, Ginger Hill is famously known as the home of the Arawaks and Maroons -- indigenous peoples of Jamaica. This quaint town is also known for its bountiful crops of turmeric and pineapples and is lovingly called the pine capital of Jamaica. Interestingly, Ginger Hill is one of the artisan communities that Beenybud -- one of Jamaica's beloved artisanal brands -- works with to create the beautiful handwoven pieces we feature on our site.This quiet farming town is surrounded by winding roads and precipices, which make it quite the voyage for the faint of heart. As you enter the town, you'll pass by little tucked away communities. Often, you will also pass by locals playing a spirited game of dominoes, as well as sharing libations of (most likely) white rum or maybe a cool beer as dusk approaches.BEENYBUDTHE GINGER HILL COLLECTION SHOP BEENYBUDBEENYBUD | GINGER HILL COLLECTIONSHOP NOWBEENYBUD | GINGER HILL COLLECTIONSHOP NOW