If your order has several items, these pieces may arrive separately. Depending on where your piece is being shipped from, multiple items in an order may incur additional shipping charges.

Once your bespoke piece is ready for shipping, it will arrive to your destination country within 3 to 5 business days. Please note that packages are sometimes held up at Customs in the destination country for various reasons beyond our control. You will be able able to track your package and you will also be able to specify delivery preferences such as "request a signature."

We ship throughout the Caribbean and North America for one flat rate of USD$35 per order for most of our pieces under 5lbs. Our larger, heavier pieces will incur a higher shipping cost, which will be calculated for you at checkout. 

We ship to the rest of the world for a flat rate of USD$55 per order for most of our designer, accessory and home pieces under 5lbs. Our larger, heavier pieces will incur a slightly higher shipping cost, which will be calculated for you at checkout. 


Customs and taxes may apply to shipments to certain destinations. These costs are not included in our prices and you may be required to pay additional Customs fees in your home country. PAPAIŸO is not responsible for any additional fees or delays incurred by Customs.

If you are located in the Caribbean, we are happy to explain duties and taxes for your country. Please email us at for assistance with navigating customs on your island.

For any questions regarding your shipment, please do not hesitate to email us at

Happy browsing!
